Student: Simone Algere
Title: Police Brutality of Black and Disabled Americans

Synopsis: Being Black and disabled in America is a constant struggle. My project explores the challenges they face and their experience with law enforcement.

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Student: Lily Baldwin
Topic: The Global Crisis of Child Labor

Synopsis: When you look around your home maybe you see that favorite knit sweater of yours, possibly a delicious chocolate bar in your cabinet, or the shimmering makeup you put on everyday. But have you ever thought about where those products come from and who exactly makes them? Learn about the suffering and harsh conditions children are put in all around the world to make our everyday products.

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Student: Bernadette Dunphy
Topic: The Treatment of Veterans in the US

Synopsis: This project raises awareness to the injustices that many veterans have faced and are still facing. It speaks on the historical background of this topic and how it has changed throughout the years to the present day.

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Student: Norah Finch
Topic: The Barriers Students with Executive Dysfunction Face

Synopsis: My social justice topic focuses on the many systematic injustices that students with executive dysfunction and their families must face. Dealing with an executive dysfunction disorder is a challenge in itself and further suffering ensues when proper support isn't given. These challenges include being diagnosed, getting others to understand the disability, receiving the support needed, and the financial aspect.

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Student: Kiley Fitzgerald
Topic: Lack of Mental Health Support in High Schools

Synopsis: My social justice project is working to combat the long-lasting stigma surrounding mental illness. We are struggling to implement resources within high schools to support all students which creates a gap in the success of all members of the community.

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Student: Jordyn Geary
Title: Disparities for Children with Autism in Public School

Synopsis: Children with autism are often not given an education with enough support and resources for them to thrive in a free education setting. The school system blames budgetary restrictions and lack of training, but it all comes down to disability stigma.

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Student: Renee Han
Topic: The Real Virus: Racism Against Asian Americans

Synopsis: My social justice project discusses the issue of racism against Asian Americans with a concentration in the Model Minority Myth. Through historical analysis of past and present events from World War II to the murders of Christina Yuna Lee and Michelle Go, I expose how the bias, xenophobia, and discrimination still tracks into today's society.

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Student: Esosasehia Owens
Topic: Income Inequality in Sports in the United States

Synopsis: In the United States, money plays a vital role in the types of opportunities granted to an athlete. My social justice project explores the challenges and barriers that many low-income athletes face when they try to pursue athletic success in the United States.

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Student: Caitlin Slattery
Topic: Ocean Pollution

Synopsis: Ocean pollution has rapidly increased since the 1960's severely harming our environment and society. In my project, I talk about the history, root causes, and effects of pollution on the ocean.

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Student: Olivia Zitter
Title: Inequities with Women in Healthcare

Synopsis: My social justice project is about inequities with women in healthcare. My project examines the long-lasting systematic inequities rooted in the discrimination towards women.

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