WELCOME to fontbonne

Inspired by the courage of Mother St. John Fontbonne and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston, Fontbonne educates girls to grow into women of strong moral character, grounded in the Catholic social justice teachings, who live by the Gospel values of respect, responsibility, reconciliation and reverence. We are proud of the women we have graduated since 1954. They are faithful, fearless and compassionate leaders defining our future. 

Our adult learning community is committed to nurturing the individual girl as a scholar driven to serve others. Our student-centered curriculum allows our faculty to challenge our girls to rise to the expectation of academic excellence while understanding the importance of collaboration and creativity. Through our early college program, we expose our students to learning beyond the classroom, providing opportunities for them to experience the world. Through the access our students have to college classrooms, programming and student life experiences which allow them to use their voice, we are preparing our girls to create her future.

We are proud of a Fontbonne education centered on encouraging our girls to question the status quo and to seek to have conversations every day that challenge them. Our alumnae are women who believe in service to the dear neighbor, using their voice to advocate for themselves and others, while seeking everyday to build a world of unity and inclusion.

As you view our website, I am excited for you to meet our Fontbonne women, learn about a Fontbonne education and understand how you, too, can create your future.


Maura Spignesi
Head of School