Girl Power Summer Leadership Camp 2024


Girl Power Summer Leadership Camp is a week-long summer program for girls entering grades 4, 5, 6, and 7.  The overall goal of Girl Power is to develop leadership skills in girls before entering middle school.  Girl Power will help girls grow in confidence, step out of their comfort zone, and engage them in fields of study that are underrepresented in women.  Students will do all this while also having fun and making new friends. 

Students will engage in STEM activities like egg drops and catapults, art projects using plaster and tie dye, traditional camp games, and physical activities like learning to play volleyball and spy school puzzle solving.

Please register for Girl Power Summer Leadership Camp below. 

  • June 24 - 28
  • For girls entering grades 4, 5, 6, & 7
Please provide any relevant medical information including allergies, medications, and/or medical conditions.
Please provide your child's insurance company name.
Please provide your child's insurance policy number.
By leaving your digital signature, you give consent for your child to participate in the Girl Power Summer Leadership camp and indicate that you understand the risks associated with participation in this camp, consent to medical treatment for your child if needed, and agree to release the organizers of the clinic from any liability.